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来源:深圳环球教育 日期:2020-03-12 20:51 浏览:151



在这里Abby老师要敲黑板,划重点:雅思考试只是暂时取消!是暂时!并不是没有!所以值得大家思考的是被我们消耗的那些日常活动能帮助我们成功屠鸭吗?Abby只想说:“还不是只有不懈努力的学习雅思,才能助你们在疫情过去后顺利的拿到理想的雅思成绩进入那个梦寐以求的海外学府!害~” 所以,从今天开始,不,从这一刻开始!让Abby带着大家一起学习吧!

1. 如何在雅思口语中稳拿高分?

在口语课堂中,Abby听到烤鸭们提出最多的疑问就是如何拿高分。我想说的是:这绝对少不了烤鸭们在Part3精彩的应答。 由于Part3是考官向烤鸭们“自由发问”的环节,所以那些所谓在题库里出现的Part3问题也只能做“参考”而已。在这个环节,考生需要凭借自己真实的口语能力来赢得高分的成绩。

2. 考官在Part3会谈及什么问题呢?


那么,让我们先来了解一下,当下烫手的土豆(这里指的是短语‘a hot potato’)是什么呢?

The two pictures below were what Bill mentioned regarding the epidemic in 2015 in his speech(翻译:这是比尔盖茨在2015年的演讲中提到的):


Epidemic英 [?ep??dem?k] 美 [??p??d?m?k]

1.We’re not ready for the next epidemic.

2.The failure to prepare could allow the next epidemic.

3. 如何在Part3融入热点话题?

a) 首先,当我们看见下面这个话题时:


This documentary is dedicated to all those who’ve been battling novel coronavirus of 2019 tirelessly to keep the epidemic at bay. (翻译:这个纪录片是关于人们如何与新冠状病毒斗争为了防疫疫情)

当烤鸭们回答完Part2的环节后,很可能在Part3被问到‘Do you think cinemas will disappear in the future?’类似的问题,这时候,大家不要慌张!咱们扛得住!我们可以这样回答:

Well, that’s a tough question. (翻译:我想这很难回答) Taking recent situation as an example, I would probably yes. (翻译:就现在情况而言,我会说是的。)Chinese officials say that novel coronavirus of 2019 is blamed for the outbreak of pneumonia. (翻译:中国官方指出这次肺炎的爆发完全是因为新冠状病毒。) Because this coronavirus appears to be sustained human to human transmission, Chinese government announces that China citizens must avoid crowded place such as cinemas, restaurants and shopping malls. (翻译:由于这次新冠状病毒出现人传人的现象,所以中国政府让公民们要避免去拥挤场所,比如电影院、餐厅和商场)Since all of those places sustainedly go out of business for such circumstance, I can’t say the cinemas should be still exist in the future. (翻译:现在疫情的情况下,因为这些娱乐场所都持续停业所以我不能确定以后电影院还会不会存在。)


1.Some of them originate in animals and then show up in people

2.The virus jumps from an animal reservoir into humans


b) 让我们再来思考下面这个Part2话题:

当烤鸭们碰到了上面的话题时,你们很可能在Part3被问到‘Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?’这时候,大家可以这样说:

Definitely not. As we know since a scary virus is commending the world’s attention (翻译:因为一个可怕的病毒正在迫使全世界的关注), well, Chinese scientists who identified the virus named it novel coronavirus of 2019 (翻译:中国科学家把这个病毒命名为novel coronavirus of 2019), absolutely, people’s health is being threatened by such virus. This is mainly because an effective vaccine may be a year away. (翻译:所以人们的健康危在旦夕,因为距离有效疫苗的诞生可能还需要一年的时间。)

So I can’t tell that people should be healthier than before because such brand diseases that come out of nowhere suddenly come roaring back with a vengeance.(翻译:我不能说人们比以前健康了因为那些不知道从哪里冒出来的新型病毒卷土重来)More importantly, a coronavirus vaccine isn’t currently available. (翻译:最重要的是,冠状型病毒的疫苗还没有研制出来。)

看到这里,Abby要说一句:“优秀~~~” 因为烤鸭们已经成功地完成了今日雅思口语Part3的学习。那么这些表达方式大家都学会了吗?